2023 Product Update
Find out what's new and how we've enhanced the Kortext Arcturus platform to improve the user experience for all!
Autumn/Winter 2023 Product Update
Our latest product updates are live! This Autumn and Winter, we have introduced an array of clever features to improve our Arcturus platform and the portals and dashboards that support it. This includes new filtering options, new mobile app interfaces and much more. Read on to discover what we’ve introduced ahead of the new academic year.
If you missed the last product update, catch up with previous innovations here.
You can learn more about Kortext Premium, which was launched in October, here.
Teaching & learning
This Winter we made My files, previously a Kortext Premium exclusive feature, available to Kortext Essential users as well.
Now, Kortext Essential users have access to 500MB of cloud storage to upload journal articles, academic PowerPoints and more into the platform to work from. My files supports .PDF, EPUB, .PPT, .XLC(S) and .DOC(X) file types.
Student Experience
Our iOS, Mac, Android and Windows apps have all been given a refresh this Autumn. They now offer a slicker user experience thanks to small, subtle changes to the interface. They are also much more aesthetically pleasing!
Collections are here! Our 13,000 strong OER collection is now available on native and mobile apps. This is also now supported by improved functionality, such as a ‘Recently Viewed’ section and more granular search and filter options.
We have redeveloped our iOS app ahead of the new academic year. Now, all Apple devices share the same codebase, which will help make further improvements and updates a lot simpler. Alongside the new UI, you can also now use split screen with other apps on all devices that support it.
Library Service Enhancements
Kortext personnel can now set up email accounts that include diacritics, otherwise known as special characters. It means we can now create emails using any letter of the multilingual alphabet, better supporting the growing number of global students accessing our platform.
Some examples of diacritics include: ū ẁ ï ئ ؤ ت ن و ي ن
Improvements and amendments have been made to the 'Search Kortext' filters on both Acquisitions and the Academic inventories. These include showing item counts for 'Author' and 'Publisher' facets during search, showing multiple publishers or publication years at once, and more.
Analytics Improvements
We have improved the 'Rank by Module' tab within the List report of our Kortext analytics dashboard. It now features a 'Module Title' alongside the Module Code.
This will allow librarians and academics to immediately identify the module that corresponds to that data item.
Historic data will now be preserved within the system logs, enabling Analytics to access pre-created data as opposed to generating data links through the interface. This will improve precision and minimise backfills!
New toggles and filters relating to OERs have been added to our Analytics dashboard. This allows users to separate content usage for OERs. More granular evaluation of the content usage within our collections can also be conducted now!